My Earliest Memories
Living in Bungelow Park,
My mother and father had rented a house in Quakertown on the corner of Station Ave. and Park Ave. I don't remember living there, I do remember stories of my mother telling me how the neighbors baby and myself would not get along. Micheal Jaggielo (SP?) I don't know why babies would not get along together. But I find that odd.
I know that when we moved into Bungelow Park, I wanted to be a helper. I was getting older and my sister born two years after me was going to know how much I loved her, and I wanted to share, I remember the story that my mother tells. How she used to like to talk on the phone, long conversations. At some point maybe her friend Gale Lowman ((SP?)Daughter of Galen Lowman) or maybe it was my mother (I remember how pretty and sweet she was back then) and father who worked on teaching me to share. So I shared, all of my toys went into my sisters crib. I stacked all of the toys all around her. My little piano made a perfect bridge over top of her, my sister was completely covered in all of my toys, "See I share." I had this great big teddy bear that I surrounded her head with. My sister she slept right through everything. My mother didn't appreciate what I did, how does a little boy get into so much trouble.
Then there was the swing set, with the special coaster for a slide. And the time that we received chickens for Easter. Those chickens loved to chase after my sisters long blonde hair. I remember the swing set was also a problem, my sister would run to the swing set for cover, and she would cover the swings with her head. Many times she banged into the swings or frame of the swing set.
I had a special steering wheel that I loved, I would go for a car ride and prop it up behind Dad's seat in the car and I would also drive, talk about your back seat driver.
We didn't stay in Bungelow Park very long, we moved to the next town over. Trumbauersville. I remember that I wanted to find that steering wheel, I made mom and dad take me back to the old house just to look and see where it could be. It was never found.
The house in Trumbauersville needed a whole lot of work, so many repairs, a wall was removed to make a good sized living room that required running a cable up through the first floor ceiling into the attic and the clean up in the basement and all the other structures. There was a tree a maple that grew infront and between the shed and the barn. That was my tree, I loved to climb that tree.
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